We must first of all know that the entire Bible is corrupted and unreliable and is mostly filled with man-made laws and corruption! "`How can you say, "We [the Jews] are wise, for we have the law of the LORD," when actually the lying pen of the scribes has handled it falsely?' (From the NIV Bible, Jeremiah 8:8)"
The Revised Standard Version makes it even clearer: "How can you say, 'We are wise, and the law of the LORD is with us'? But, behold, the false pen of the scribes has made it into a lie. (From the RSV Bible, Jeremiah 8:8)"
In either translation, we clearly see that the Jews had so much corrupted the Bible with their man-made cultural laws, that they had turned the Bible into a lie!
See Also Deuteronomy 31:25-29 where Moses peace be upon him predicted the corruption/tampering of the Law (Bible) after his death.
The Book of Moses predicted that the Law (Bible) will get corrupted. The Book of Jeremiah which came approximately 826 years after did indeed confirm this corruption.
Contradictions and proofs of Historical Corruptions in the Bible:
The sub sections here are:
1- Historical proofs of the Bible's corruption. Also includes detailed refutations and exposing of Paul's lies.
2- False claims and clear contradictions.
3- Textual variants and integrity problems, and Abrogation.
4- Incoherence and Incompleteness.
5- What parts of the Bible do Muslims believe are closest to the Truth, and Why?
6- Other Corruptions and Topics.
7- Muslim Rebuttals.
8- The Bible's "original manuscripts had been lost" according to the Christian scholars and theologians.
For sub-section #7 above:
They openly admit that the Bible is corrupt, and the original manuscripts had been lost.
1- Historical proofs of the Bible's corruption:
Just who were the real authors of the Bible? Today's Books and Gospels' authors of the Bible are UNKNOWN. See the comments from the NIV Bible itself.
A video about the writings of Jesus' own family members that were banned by the church because they presented Jesus as a mere servant of GOD Almighty and never once did they talk about any crucifixion or resurrection! Saint Jude, another one of Jesus' family, also warns about the internal enemies who will mislead many and teach false doctrines that are outside the "family's tradition". agrees with the Quran on the Bible's corruption!
"Fairy tales and fables in the Bible" say the Christian and Bible theologians themselves!
How reliable is the New Testament?
The Reason Why There Are Different Gospel Authors According to Christians.
A good book talking about history of christianity.
Constantine, the Pagan Emperor and what he made christians to follow.
According to the NIV and KJV Bible's theologians, the gospels were written by mysterious and unknown people, in unknown places and unknown dates!
Historical Errors in the Gospels.
Difficult Questions for the Church.
The Genealogies of Jesus Christ.
Parallel Passages in the Bible.
Biblical Contradiction: Signs Of a True Believer According to Jesus?
Biblical Contradiction: Who Is The Judge of Mankind?
Rebuttal to Sam Shamoun's Article "The Challenge of Mark 16".
An Arabic-Hebrew Conversion Chart
The Word 'Elohim' in the Hebrew Qur'ân
Maalik vs Molech: The Missionary Name-Game
Allâh is the RIMMON of Syria? A Reply to Christian Mendacity
The lost books of the Bible. See books mentioned in the Bible that are not part of today's Bible.
According to Islam, why did GOD Almighty allow for the Bible to get corrupted?
My detailed rebuttal to a Christian rebuttal about Muhammad was foretold by Jesus. I addressed all of their rebuttal points and refuted them. The article also talks about the 24,000 books that the current Bible's 66 books came from, and how that makes the current 66 chosen books extremely unreliable and doubtful.
Internal and External errors in the Bible. An excellent web site by brother MENJ with lots of evidence!
History of man's corruption in the Bible. Located in section #2 in the link. The section has tons of historical events and details backed by quotes from major scholars, books and historians who used to be Biblical Theologians that expose the historical corruption of the Bible.
The Gospel of John: Gospel or Gossip?
The early Christians rejected Trinity. Early Christians had major problems and disagreements about who truly Jesus was and whether or not he got crucified or not.
Famous Theologians and Historians believe that Paul was not truthful.
Jeremiah 8:8 proves Historical Corruption in the Bible - by John McCarthy. Got detailed archeological evidence.
The Argument of Jeremiah 8:8 Still Standing!
Chapter 2: Christian Proof Texts (Jeremiah 8:8).
The lie of 1 John 5:7 later discovered by the Roman Catholics Theologians.
The lie of 1 John 5:7 and 1 Timothy 3:16.
Jesus the "Alpha and Omega". Not only this quote doesn't prove Jesus as GOD, but it was also written in a book that is unreliable in later bibles. In the original Bibles, the quote doesn't even exist!!
Arche of the Creation of God as Alpha and Omega. The "Alpha and Omega" doesn't even exist in the original Bibles! It's a lie that was later inserted by trinitarians. See the historical proofs in the article. If their site is down, then you can read the article at this link ON MY SITE.
Man's history of corrupting the Old Testament. See also how most of the Bible is a man-narrated book.
Books mentioned in the Bible that are not part of the "Today's Bible"
Scriptural errors in the Bible.
They say to me: "You say the Bible is corrupt. What makes you think that the Quran isn't too?"
The Mosaic Law, Original Sin and Blood Atonement.
Arabs - The Seed of Abraham (peace be upon him).
Does the God of the Bible Love Everyone?
Was Solomon An Inspired Author of the Bible?
An Evolution In The Parable of the Wicked Tenants.
Is Jesus The Only Sinless Person According To The Bible?
Is Jesus God Because He Will Judge The People?
Is Jesus God Because He Was Called "The Lord Of The Sabbath"?
Did Jesus' Blessing of Thomas's Testimony Mean That Jesus Agreed With Thomas Calling Him God?
The Implications of Jesus Being Given All Authority.
Who Are Blessed According To The Old Testament: Muslims Or Christians?
Did Prophet Lot (PBUH) Offer His Daughters To Evil Men To Be Raped?
Is Jesus God Because He Said That His Words Will Never Pass Away?
Is John 15:13 An Inspired Verse?
Why Didn't Jesus Plainly Say He Was God?
Rebuttal to Sam Shamoun's Article "Thomas's Confession 'My Lord and my God!'"
The Broken Promise Of Revelation 22:18.
If Jesus Was A Creation Then How Could He Be God?
Jesus Of The Bible Was Inferior To The Angels.
Evolution In The Gospels: Jesus' Healing Capabilities?
According To The Bible Jesus Went To Hell.
Why Did The Jews Accuse Jesus OF Blasphemy?
Answering Infidel Shamoun on the Lie of Bible Preservation.
The False Jesus of Christianity.
Did Jesus Have Female Breasts?
Is The Gospel of Luke a Revelation and Inspiration from God?
The Date of Jesus’ Crucifixion.
The Hadith Vs. The Gospels.
- Part II.
Bible Commentary on Biblical Terrorism.
Terrorism in the Bible or the Noble Quran?
The Bible on Slavery: What the Christian Scholars say.
The Legend of Five Hundred Witnesses.
The Invention of Christianity.
Pagan trintarian christians LIES Regarding the Dead Sea Scrolls.
The 3 Oldest Manuscripts Containing the Corrupted Greek New Testament.....
The Bible (Torah) Codes are CLEARLY FAKE. Also, assassination stories in Moby Dick!
The Truth About Abraham and his SON Ishmael, Peace be upon Them.
What About All Those People (Prophets and others) who came before Jesus (peace be upon him)?
The Investigation into what Language Jesus Spoke.
Detailed article refuting alleged “prophecies” in the Old Testament regarding Jesus.
Refutation to the lie about the New Testament's events were documented by historians.
Is the Biblical God able or unable to confront iron chariots?
The pagan trintarian christians LIES of “amazing” prophecies of certain events and more.
Rebuttal to the MANY pagan christians who simply say that people should believe on “blind faith”.
The STUPID LIES of the FARCE called the "Shroud of Turin".
The pagan christian LIARS and FRAUDS Rev. Ted Haggard and Benny Hinn.
The Pagan Origins of the Cross.
Rebuttal to Jochen Katz on “Abdullah Smith and his war against the Crucifixion” - Part I.
- Part II.
- Part III.
- Part IV.
2- False claims and clear contradictions:
The Bible's English translations are all different and corrupted. See how the Bible translators are not truthful. They add their personal words, thoughts and interpretations as if they were GOD Almighty's Holy Words. This resulted in having hundreds of English-translated Bibles considerably differing with each others in the translations and in issues that are very serious and are relevant even to the central faith of Christianity.
Unfulfilled Prophecies in the Bible.
A Look At Some of the Prophecies of the New Testament.
Lists of Serious Errors and Contradictions in today's CORRUPTED bible!
Did Jesus Appoint Seventy or Seventy Two Disciples?
15 Clear Chronological Contradictions In The Bible! (By Karim, a new convert to Islam)
What About Those Five Hundred Witnesses Of The Resurrection?
Biblical Contradiction: Is the Word of God Eternal?
Contradictions between Jesus and God. (By a new convert to Islam)
Contradictions in the Psalms. (By a new convert to Islam)
The Bible says Jesus was a Liar. (By a new convert to Islam)
Christianity Contradicts the Bible! and Part II. (By a new convert to Islam)
Jesus Contradicts Himself. (By a new convert to Islam)
The Bible says Jesus broke the Law. (By a new convert to Islam)
The Answer to “Answering Islam” on Bible Contradictions.
Contradictions In The New Testament That Have No Good Answer.
Logical Inconsistencies and stupidity in the Bible's New Testament.
The Bible says: The earth is flat! The Bible claims that the Earth is flat and never moves! It also claims that the Sun hurries back to where it rises!
Answering Christian Apologist: The Bible error regarding end of times. (By Karim)
Jesus' crucifixion and the end of the World. (By Sami Zaatari)
Biblical Contradiction: Did Jesus Promise His Generation a Sign? (By Bassam Zawadi)
The False Prophecy of Thessalonians. (By Bassam Zawadi)
False Prophecies about the Day of Judgement in the Bible. (By Faisal Azar)
Jesus was never "disfigured beyond human recognition" in the New Testament as the Old Testament predicted! Taken from my Answering Isaiah 53 article.
Paul nullified and contradicted the point of Baptism.
Isaiah and Jesus are in contradiction regarding GOD Almighty's Covenant.
"Jesus is my lord and savior" actually CONTRADICTS the Old Testament.
Is circumcision allowed or not allowed in the Bible? See the clear contradiction between Jesus and Paul.
Was Jesus sent to the Jews only, or to Mankind? See the obvious contradiction in the Bible.
Jesus did what he considered hypocrisy!!
Jesus is a hypocrite for bowing down to GOD only during his desperate times. See another proof in the Bible that Jesus can not be the Creator of the Universe.
Kill your enemy, or love for them what you love for yourself? Jesus killed his enemies when he was strong and they were weak. He contradicted his very own commands about loving the enemy.
Jesus didn’t kill anyone, oh really? Debunking another Christian myth.
The Bible claims that Sarah (Isaac's mother) was Abraham's biological sister.
False prophecies about the Judgment Day in the Bible.
A great site that exposes so many of the contradicting errors in the Bible.
Even more and different listings of Contradicting errors in the Bible.
Ahmad Deedat's list of errors in the Bible. (different list from the ones above).
A small listing but yet with good questions about some key contradictions in the bible.
A listing of 49 contradicting errors in the Bible.
A listing of 100 contradicting errors in the Bible.
A listing of 100 other different errors in the Bible. (different list from the list of 100 contradictions above).
The Bible is in contradiction with itself in explaining paradise.
Contradictions in 2 Timothy 3:16.
Contradicting translations on 1 John 5:7.
Contradictions In the Resurrection Story.
Paul contradicted himself regarding the women's head covering.
Solomon and the idols contradiction in the Bible.
Mark 13:32: The Verse That Christians Have No Answer Around.
Malachi Chapter 2 and the Christian double standard.
Biblical Contradiction: Who Raised Jesus From The Dead?
Which tree couldn’t Adam and Eve eat from?
Biblical Contradiction: Will earth live forever?
Biblical Contradiction: Does God Get Weary?
Biblical Contradictions: Can There Be Food That Makes You Unclean?
Biblical Contradiction: Will Adulterers Be Punished?
Imperfection of the God of The Bible.
Biblical Contradiction: Can Woman Be Divorced From Her Husband?
Did Jesus come to Preach Peace?
Biblical Contradiction: Is God's Law Perfect?
Biblical Contradiction: Are the Spirits That Acknowledged Jesus' Divinity Righteous?
Biblical Difficulty: Did David Follow The Lord Completely?
Biblical Difficulty: Was Noah A Sinless Man?
Biblical Difficulty: Was Solomon Really Wiser Than Any Man?
Biblical Difficulty: Who Was The Spirit Speaking To?
The Bible's Scientific blunder on the Moon.
Biblical Origins of Masturbation/Onanism, In the Word of God?
3- Textual variants, and Abrogation:
GOD supposedly Changing His Mind (abrogation) in the Bible. See the moral contradictions that unjustly favor the strong over the weak in the Bible!
Textual Variants of the Bible.
The many different and contradicting canons (bibles) that existed and still exist today!
The problems with textual integrity in the Bible.
The Catholic Church no longer swears by truth of the Bible.
Parallel Passages in the Bible.
Why Is That Word Not In The NIV Bible?
Divorce in the Bible: A case of abrogation.
4- Incoherence and Incompleteness:
Is Salvation really obtained through Jesus in the New Testament?
Who is exactly Jesus? Is he our Creator or not?
Why is the Bible virtually silent about Jesus' youth years? If he is GOD Almighty (our Creator), then we have some serious and vital information missing!
Is polygamy allowed in the New Testament or not? I chased Sam Shamoun many times to respond to this article, but had no luck. The polytheist trinitarian pagan is on the run in this one! He simply can't answer it!
Is Lesbianism allowed in the OT?
How many years is "few years" and "many years" in these prophecies?
Where did Cain's wife come from??
Is fornication with non-virgin girls allowed in the Old Testament?
Fairy Tales in the Bible: The dragon who waged war in heaven
Rebuttal to Answering Islam's Article "The Objection of Eating Pork". Is eating "any food" allowed or not??
The Giants: The Bible’s incompleteness and incoherence.
Is marrying your sibling forbidden or not?
The Limit of Children's Obedience To Their Parents.
Paul's Exaggerations: Everything bad is Idolatry!
The punishment for cursing the parents in the New Testament is death!
The Incoherence of The Biblical Jesus' Teachings.
Wine: To Drink it Or Not To Drink It?
The Bible's Incoherence Regarding the Sacrificial son.
5- What parts of the Bible and Hadiths do Muslims believe are closest to the Truth, and Why?
Differences between the Noble Quran and Bible only prove Islam's Truthfulness and Divinity.
Allah Almighty transformed some Jews into apes and swines. The Bible seems to clearly support this.
What parts of the Bible and Hadiths do Muslims believe are closest to the Truth, and Why?
Did Prophet Muhammad really recognize the Bible as an error-free book?
6- Other Corruptions and Topics:
Evidence of Christians replacing the "Sun of God" with Jesus whom they call the "Son of God".
Does the Quran Say That It Is Corrupted?
"Son of GOD" conflict between the Bible and the Noble Quran.
"Son of God" means "Servant of God" in Hebrew. Bible agrees with Islam, not with pagan trinity.
The GOD of the corrupted Bible gets drunk?!
The sinless and perfect men in the Bible.
The Bible is the book for the low-lifes, perverts and criminals!
The Quran V.S. the Bible - By brother Abdullah Smith, a new convert to Islam.
The rejected verses of the Bible.
Did The God Of The Bible Forsake Jesus Christ?
How Islam improves on Christianity?
The Christians now make God into a Toy!
Debunking yet Another Christian myth - Does God really Love Everybody?
A good book talking about history of christianity.
Constantine, the Pagan Emperor and what he made christians to follow.
7- Muslim Rebuttals:
GOD Changing His Mind (abrogation) in the Bible. agrees with the Quran on the Bible's corruption!
My response to Quennel Gale's rebuttal to my article "Just who were the real authors of the Bible?"
My response to Sam Shamoun's rebuttal on Luke 24:44-48.
Rebuttal to Sam Shamoun regarding Jesus asking GOD Almighty for forgiveness.
Jihad (Fighting for the Cause of GOD Almighty) started with the Bible!
Repetitions in the Noble Quran and the Bible.
8- The Bible's "original manuscripts had been lost" according to the Christian scholars and theologians:
Some Christians decided to respond to many of the Bible's contradictions. They named their site "101 Clear Contradictions in the Bible." Ironically, their own quotes below refute them! For example, you can do a search on this text in their site: "Confirmation of this type of copyist error is found in various pagan writers as well." Even those Christian scholars admit with their own typed words by their own fingers that the Bible does indeed contain "copyist error(s)", and they lowered their Holy Scripture to the level of a pagan book through their comparison. My question is then, how can it be the word of GOD when it contains Satanic "copyist errors"?
By the way, please visit: The Catholic Church no longer swears by truth of the Bible.
Answering Infidel Shamoun on the Lie of Bible Preservation.
The Original manuscript don't even exist according to the bible's own theologians!
"Christians readily admit, however, that there have been 'scribal errors' in the copies of the Old and New Testament. It is beyond the capability of anyone to avoid any and every slip of the pen in copying page after page from any book, sacred or secular. Yet we may be sure that the original manuscript (better known as autograph) of each book of the Bible, being directly inspired by God, was free from all error. Those originals, however, because of the early date of their inception no longer exist."
"Because we are dealing with accounts which were written thousands of years ago, we would not expect to have the originals in our possession today, as they would have disintegrated long ago. We are therefore dependent on the copies taken from copies of those originals, which were in turn continually copied out over a period of centuries. Those who did the copying were prone to making two types of scribal errors. One concerned the spelling of proper names, and the other had to do with numbers."
"Most Christians will affirm that the Bible is our rule of faith and practice. It is a little self contradictory to stand in the pulpit and say the word of God is inspired, when in his heart the pastor knows he is not referring to any book here on this earth that people can hold in their hands and believe. He really should say what he believes - that the word of God WAS inspired at one time but we no longer have it, so the best we can do is hope we have a close approximation of what God probably meant to tell us." (
"It also seems a bit inconsistent to say he believes the originals were inspired, when he has never seen them, they never were together in one single book and they no longer exist anyway. How does he know they were inspired? He accepts this by faith. Yet he seems to lack the faith to actually believe that God could do exactly what He said He would do with His words. God said He would preserve them and that heaven and earth would pass away but His words would not pass away." (
Yet, this same person writes:
"How Old Was Ahaziah, 22 or 42?
This is an apparent contradiction that frequently is thrown in the face of Christians who believe we have an inspired Bible. Many Atheist, Islam and Bible debunker sites bring up this example. Sad to say, most of the “Christian” apologetic sites which promote the new bible versions cave in here and say the number 42 is a copyist error.
Here is a typical response by those Christians who use and promote the modern versions. This one comes from Techtonics Apologetics. This “defender of the faith” answers: “ Was Ahaziah forty-two or twenty-two (per 2 Kings 8:26) when he ascended the throne? More likely 22, and 2 Chronicles has been hit by a copyist error. See our foundational essay on copyist errors for general background. In favor of the "22" reading in 2 Chronicles: The 2 Kings reading; some LXX and Syriac manuscripts.
This typical Christian response is not limited to this one example, but in many objections brought up by the infidels or the curious, this same rote answer is given. There is a copyist error. There is a typo in God’s book. The skeptics laugh and the modern version proponent looks like a fool.
2 Chronicles 22:2 tells us that Ahaziah was 42 years old when he began to reign. The Hebrew texts, plus Wycliffe 1395,Coverdale 1535, Bishop's Bible 1568, Geneva Bible 1599, the Revised Version, the American Standard Version, Douay 1950, the Spanish Reina Valera 1960, Italian Diodati 1602, NKJV, RSV, NRSV, the Jewish translations of 1917 and 1936, the 1998 Complete Jewish Bible, Hebrew Names Bible, Rotherham's Emphasized Bible, Webster's 1833 translation, the New English Bible 1970, the New Jerusalem, KJV 21st Century, and the Third Millenium Bible all say Ahaziah was 42 years old when he began to reign.
The inspired Hebrew text clearly says Ahaziah was 42 years old. The masoretic scribes were very scrupulous in copying their sacred trust. No word or number was written from memory but each word was carefully checked before he recopied it. The copies were checked and checked again and if there were a single error, the whole was discarded and and new one begun......" (
My Response:
How do you know that the above references (written by ordinary men) that you used in proving that Ahaziah was 42 years old are correct when the original manuscripts had been lost? What makes you be so sure that Ahaziah was indeed 42 years old and not 22 or any other age? You said the Christians make themselves look like "fools" when they attempt to answer away the apparent and irrefutable errors in the Bible. Didn't you too just make an utter fool out of yourself too?
Face it and admit it! The Bible's overwhelming errors and corruptions are unanswerable! The Bible is corrupt no matter how you try to decorate it.
The authors of the sites in the quotes above admit that the entire Bible is NOT perfect, and contains man's corruption or alteration in it. They also admit that the original manuscripts that came from GOD Almighty are lost. I'd like to comment on their points of the type of errors that exist in the Bible today:
1- There is no evidence that the errors are only limited to spelling of proper names and numbers. They're only assuming this and are using it as fact. And even if this was true, then as they openly admitted, this takes away the Bible's perfection. The reader must remember that the Christians' entire polytheist trinity paganism comes solely from conclusions and interpretations! There is not ONE SINGLE claim or hard evidence in the Bible about GOD Almighty being 3, or that Jesus is our Creator. Jesus who ran away from King Herod to Egypt, and who begged GOD Almighty for Mercy and prostrated his face down to the ground before Him on the night of crucifixion can not be the Creator of the Universe. The trinitarian pagans would happily try to convince you that trinity is right from their corrupted book, while at the same time, they openly admit that there are errors and man's alterations that exist in the Bible, and the original manuscripts had been lost. If the original manuscripts had been lost, then what makes you be so sure that trinity is the correct conclusion?
2- According to the Bible's theologians, no one even knows who wrote the copies that they're referring to. In other words, we don't even know if these people were anointed from GOD Almighty or not, because we don't have any evidence that the letters found that make up the Bible today were officially written by men.
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